My Learning Plan Practice

Learning Plan Practice

Subject/Grade: 1                               

Lesson Title:     COUNTING FROM 1 TO 10 

Teacher:  Sharmin Jahan

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Established Goals: (Learning outcomes)

N1.2  Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 10 objects, dots, and pictures.

[C, CN, V, ME]

Indicators for this outcome

(a)Look briefly at a familiar arrangement of objects or dots and identify the number represented without counting.
(b)Look briefly at a familiar arrangement and identify how many objects there are without counting.
(c)Identify the number represented by an arrangement of objects or dots on a ten frame.
Understandings: (can also be written as ‘I Can’ statements)Description: Students will understand that….   I can use manipulatives ( gems) to match the numbers . I can understand how many quantities (gems) I need to match a number I can understand that to read the numerals from 1 to 10.
  Essential Questions: How many more more (quantities) do i need to get to the number? How many gems (quantities) do i need to match the number shown ( from 1-10) How can we use objects to match the numbers .
Students will know….  Students will know to add more quantities to get to their numbers 1-10 Students will know that they can use different manipulatives to help them match the numbers shown on the laminated sheets. Students will know Students will know how to collaborate with each other to get the answer  
Students will be able to…. Explain how they came up with matching the quantities to the numbers. Students will be able to add more manipulatives to add up to the quantity desired. Students will be able to match numbers from 1-10.  
Instructional Strategies: Teacher will be modelling first by having laminated sheets of numbers and have them on the walls and will match each number with the ones on the wall to show students what to do next  so they are not confused.  Teacher will use all the laminated sheets from 1 to 10 to revise the numbers to prepare them to work with these numbers. Students will be able to also collaborate the next part where they work with a partner to match the numbers  for the scavenger hunt.  Again they will be working in pairs to use manipulative to match the number with different objects.  
Stage 2 : Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning Teacher will ask students if they understand how to match the laminated sheets after teacher modeled it  Asking students”  Do you guys understand how to find the same numbers ?  Do I  need to show you guys again ? For the pair work, the teacher will go around and observe students and also ask for each group how they used the manipulative to fill in the boxes to reach the number stated on the laminated sheet. Students will share their answers and get the opportunity to explain how much they understand about numbers and objects used. There are some grammatical errors that are easily fixable.     

Stage 3 :  Building Learning Plan

Set (Engagement):   Start with modelling following Scavenger hunt     

Length of Time: 10 minute

(2 minutes) Tell students to all look at the board while the teacher gives couple of examples how to match the same  numbers.  Mention students how they have already done matching numbers last class for a prompt.  “Do you guys remember we worked on matching numbers last class)  We used the same laminated sheets numbers.  

(2 minutes)Tell students that they will be doing a scavenger hunt around the classroom with a partner.  Tell students “We will be doing a fun activity today where we will find the same numbers that we have in our hands, then be seated until everyone is done.  Give students 6 minutes to find the numbers.  

 (1 minute)  give out student  number cards to each pair.

(6 minutes )  Students will go with their pairs and find the numbers around the class and bring them back to their tables and then everyone will show ite paired numbers holding it up once everyone i done.  Teacher will tell students that they will be doing an activity with their partners and use the objects to match the squares on the laminated sheets. 

 Teacher will once model one example for students to see on the table where everyone can come together around the table.  

Development: Use objects to fill in squares to represent the numbers at the bottom                                   

Time: 20 minutes

(2 minutes) Teacher will once model one example for students to see on the table where everyone can come together around the table.  (2 minutes )  Teacher will set up the objects and laminated sheets on the tables.  Then ask students to start working together in pairs quietly and respectfully .  They also need to be listening to their partners’ suggestions.  with their partners.  Students will be using different objects like gems to fill in the empty squares to represent the number specified below from 1 to 10.  Students will follow rules to not throw the objects anywhere but to use for their laminated sheets.  

Students will get in pairs and work on their activity sheet for around 13 minutes .  Students will also use colored ups to  show teachers if they are done with their work.  For example blue cup glued to red cups, and blue cup will represent “done”  so everyone does not shout out at the same time.  

(5 minutes0  All students will have the opportunity to share their work one by one in pairs .

Closure:     Making a laminated  girl or boy  wear clothes that have numbers on them.                                             

 Time: 12  minutes 

Having students work individually to dress up a laminated boy or girl where they can learn how to put on clothing for someone but also see the numbers on the laminated sheets of clothes.  Then there will be another laminated sheet where they will have the picture of the hat, scarf, and so on so students can put the gems for example beside itto represent the number .  So students would put 1 gem beside the hat after dressing up the girl or boy.   so for example 1 would be on the hat, and 2 could be the scarf.  Thi will be a fun activity for them to recall their numbers .  The teacher would go around once again and observe and ask how they got this answer to see how much students understand.

After students are done teacher would ask questions like

Do we know how to use objects to match our numbers?

 What did you have trouble with today?

“Okay everyone you are all good at this!  Good job!”


Manipulative (gems)

Number cards laminated (from 1to 10

Activity sheet to fill in empty squares with gems to match numbers .

Possible Adaptations/Differentiation:

students who are progressing can start with lower numbers like maybe 1 to 5 so they need to use less objects 

Students who are advancing can do higher numbers to challenge them like numbers 10 to 15 maybe .

Stage 4:  Reflection

Professional Development Goal is…

The PDP’s are helping me to reflect to my teaching and help me build better speaking and techniques to use to make the class listen because they are younger ones.  I could be using more manipulatives which i realized like maybe having different objects that students may be interested to use.  So maybe find ou what items they might be working best with.  So having different objects to create more interest for both boys and girls.    I could be also using phrases that can make my classroom management better like keeping a bell to get everyone listening , or say “1,2, 3 eyes on me” .  But everyday would be a reflection of what could i be doing better to change my teaching or speaking skills which make my lesson go more flowing.  So learning as I  and willing to criticize my teachings for better lessons.

Here is the link to my teaching plan practice in my google doc., Teaching Plan Practice .